high school science teacher, dance team coach, and I am now adding Etsy shop owner to my growing list of titles! I have been on spring break this week, so I decided that I would go ahead and reserve my Etsy name. I will try to get the shop up and running soon, but I'm not making any promises until summer.
So why am I starting an Etsy shop? I love making things, but at some point when you baby has 5 beanie hats and you live in Florida there might be a problem! So I deciede that if I was going to continue to created I might as well sell the products. And in thus doing so, I can fund my crafting addiction! It's a win-win!
What is HootyCutie about? My store will really be a mix of items. I have crafting ADD, so I like to try to make different things all the time. So trying to think of just one or two things to sell is kind of impossible for me. However, most of by products will be baby/kid directed or "going green" products. Examples of baby/kid products are crochet toys, hats/scarfs, blankets and sewn baby quilts, bibs, pillows/pillow covers, and shoping cart covers. Examples of "going green" products would be "un"-paper towels, cloth wipes, and reusable shopping bags. I will strive to use the most natural products possible. However, for cost purposes some of my initial products will not meet this crietira. My goal is to use only natural products once I am up and running.
So what is the point of this blog? I figured why not! It is another way to the the HootyCutie name out. And besides it will be fun to see what I was thinking when I first started. In this blog I will be posting my progress with the shop and the adventures I encounter. It should be intresting.
Well... I'll talk to you soon! ( I hope... :) )
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